Łódź, Poland

The Academy of Business Administration and Health Sciences

Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu i Nauk o Zdrowiu w Łodzi

University type: other universities
Status: non-public

full-time studies
part-time studies
CosmetologyStudies in Polish
PodiatryStudies in Polish
Practical Aesthetic CosmetologyStudies in Polish
Regenerative and Anti-Aging Cosmetology with Elements of Diet TherapyStudies in Polish
Spa and Wellness with Elements of DieteticsStudies in Polish
CriminologyStudies in PolishStudies online
Crime and Social PathologiesStudies in PolishStudies online
Criminal PsychologyStudies in PolishStudies online
DieteticsStudies in Polish
Medical DieteticsStudies in Polish
PsychodieteticsStudies in Polish
Sports DieteticsStudies in Polish
Internal SecurityStudies in PolishStudies online
CybersecurityStudies in PolishStudies online
Security of Transportation and LogisticsStudies in PolishStudies online
PedagogyStudies in PolishStudies online
CoachingStudies in PolishStudies online
Elderly Person’s Assistant with Elements of AndragogyStudies in PolishStudies online
Nursery Care with Montessori PedagogyStudies in PolishStudies online
Rehabilitation Pedagogy with Elements of SociotherapyStudies in PolishStudies online

Integrated Master's degree
full-time studies
part-time studies
LawStudies in PolishStudies online
Financial and Economic Law with Tax Law ElementsStudies in PolishStudies online
Judical LawStudies in PolishStudies online
Medical LawStudies in PolishStudies online
PsychologyStudies in PolishStudies online
Business PsychologyStudies in PolishStudies online
Clinical PsychologyStudies in PolishStudies online
Social and Educational PsychologyStudies in PolishStudies online

full-time studies
part-time studies
CosmetologyStudies in PolishStudies online
Biotechnologist in CosmetologyStudies in PolishStudies online
Manager of Spa and Wellness CentersStudies in PolishStudies online
Modern Management in the Beauty IndustryStudies in Polish
PodologistStudies in Polish
TrichologistStudies in Polish
CriminologyStudies in PolishStudies online
Crime Prevention with Forensic Psychology ElementsStudies in PolishStudies online
Forensic-Penitentiary CriminologyStudies in PolishStudies online
DieteticsStudies in PolishStudies online
Childhood NutritionStudies in PolishStudies online
Clinical NutritionStudies in PolishStudies online
Personal Nutrition CoachingStudies in PolishStudies online
Psychodieteics with Elements of ObesitologyStudies in PolishStudies online
Sports Nutrition and WellnessStudies in PolishStudies online
PedagogyStudies in PolishStudies online
Elderly Person’s AssistantStudies in PolishStudies online
Pedagogy of Care and EducationStudies in PolishStudies online
PsychopedagogicsStudies in PolishStudies online
Rehabilitation in the Open EnvironmentStudies in PolishStudies online
Social EngineeringStudies in PolishStudies online
Socio-Cultural Project ManagerStudies in PolishStudies online

Postgraduate diplomamore »
Care and Educational Pedagogy Studies in Polish
Career Counselling Studies in Polish
Chemistry for Teachers Studies in Polish
Civics Studies in Polish
Coaching Studies in Polish
Criminology Studies in Polish
Early Childhood Development Support Studies in Polish
Education and Rehabilitation of Individuals with Hearing Impairments (Surdopedagogy) Studies in Polish
Education and Rehabilitation of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (Oligophrenopedagogy) Studies in Polish
Education and Rehabilitation of Individuals with Visual Impairments (Typhlopedagogy) Studies in Polish
Family Life Education Studies in Polish
Library and Information Science Studies in Polish
Neurologopedia (Speech Therapy) Studies in Polish
Neuropsychology Studies in Polish
Occupational Health and Safety Studies in Polish
Podiatry Studies in Polish
Sales and Marketing Psychology Studies in Polish
Security Education Studies in Polish
Speech Therapy Studies in Polish
Trichology Studies in Polish
Biologia dla nauczycieli Studies in Polish
Coaching dietetyczny Studies in Polish
Cyberbezpieczeństwo w praktyce Studies in Polish
Diagnoza, terapia pedagogiczna i rewalidacja indywidualna z arteterapią (pedagogika korekcyjna) Studies in Polish
Dietetyka z elementami obesitologii Studies in Polish
Edukacja włączająca Studies in Polish
Edukacja, terapia i wspomaganie osób z zaburzeniami spektrum autyzmu Studies in Polish
Etyka i filozofia dla nauczycieli Studies in Polish
Fizyka dla nauczycieli Studies in Polish
Geografia dla nauczycieli Studies in Polish
Gimnastyka korekcyjno-kompensacyjna Studies in Polish
Historia dla nauczycieli Studies in Polish
Historia i teraźniejszość Studies in Polish
Integracja sensoryczna Studies in Polish
Kosmetologia medyczna w praktyce Studies in Polish
Masaż medyczny Studies in Polish
Matematyka dla nauczycieli Studies in Polish
Mediacje - uniwersalne narzędzie rozwiązywania konfliktów Studies in Polish
Menadżer ośrodków SPA i wellness Studies in Polish
Nauczanie informatyki w szkole Studies in Polish
Nauczanie języka polskiego jako obcego - glottodydaktyka Studies in Polish
Nauczanie przyrody w szkole Studies in Polish
Nauczanie techniki w szkole Studies in Polish
Pedagogika lecznicza i terapeutyczna Studies in Polish
Pedagogika resocjalizacyjna z profilaktyką uzależnień Studies in Polish
Plastyka dla nauczycieli Studies in Polish
Przedsiębiorczość dla nauczycieli Studies in Polish
Przygotowanie pedagogiczne (psychologiczno-pedagogiczne i dydaktyczne przygotowanie do zawodu nauczyciela) Studies in Polish
Psychologia dzieci i młodzieży z elementami diagnozy neuropsychologicznej Studies in Polish
Psychologia sportu Studies in Polish
Psychologiczne wspomaganie rozwoju dzieci i młodzieży ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi Studies in Polish
Socjoterapia Studies in Polish
Wczesne nauczanie języka angielskiego Studies in Polish
Wychowanie fizyczne z gimnastyką korekcyjną Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie oświatą Studies in Polish

Other short coursesmore »
Opieka psychologa nad osobami z diagnozą otępienia w chorobie Alzheimera Studies in Polish
Skuteczne motywowanie pacjenta w gabinecie dietetyka - ujęcie praktyczne Studies in Polish

Other educational centers
The Academy of Business Administration and Health Sciences - Faculty Szczawno-ZdrójSzczawno-Zdrój
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu i Nauk o Zdrowiu w Łodzi - Filia w RybnikuRybnik

The Academy of Business Administration and Health Sciences, called ’’ Medyk” by the students, was founded as a result of the decision of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education from 21st September 2006.

We are the first non-public school of higher education with a medical profile in Lodz.  The interest among students proves that in spite of the short period of time we have been able to create a school, which in the wink of an eye, has become one of the most important and recognised centres of medical education in Poland. We cooperate with the best academic staff of the Medical University in Lodz and the best specialists – practitioners in the field of medical sciences working in health centres, clinics and hospitals of Lodz province. We have built a school where more people want to study than can be enroled. Such a good reception of ’’Medyk” on the market is not only thanks to the outstanding lecturers but the syllabuses prepared by them as well. In 100 % they meet the requirements of the State Accreditation Committee at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, but first of all they are created in such a way that apart from the essential theoretical and encyclopedic knowledge, students are prepared for the future job career paying special attention to the practical skills. Consequently, in the syllabus of cosmetology practical classes cover more than one third of all the classes, especially lectures typical of academic teaching. Those of you who are not familiar with the secrets of academic teaching should know that this is an exception in the whole country.

’’Medyk” has also modern didactic premises, its main educational complex is situated in an XIX century postindustrial newly adapted building. There are three modern fully equipped laboratories for beauty therapists, two brand new labs for physiotherapy and biological regeneration and one advanced chemical lab. The comfortable interiors of the buildings give the feelings of enthusiasm and  are encouraging to learn. Among our educational partners there are well-known and recognized companies in the field of medicine, cosmetology and health. Among our lecturers one can find a lot of experts and practitioners who are regarded as authorities in their fields.

We currently offer studies on the faculties of cosmetology, dietetics, pedagogy and administration. We are working on some other faculties. Our development is rapid which makes ourselves, our staff and students very proud.
Our graduates are fully prepared to continue education at public and non-public schools, at the second degree of studies (complementary MA studies) We focus on the quality of education, because our aim is to educate real experts with the best skills which will make them very attractive at the labour market. It is generally known in Poland that Medyk has the best graduates and this is why companies, cosmetics  saloons, spa and biological regeneration saloons have been competing with one another for our graduates.
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