Szczecin, Poland

College of Education and Therapy Kazimiera Milanowska - Faculty in Szczecin

Wyższa Szkoła Edukacji i Terapii im. prof. Kazimiery Milanowskiej w Poznaniu - Wydział Zamiejscowy w Szczecinie

University type: medical
University status: non-public

Integrated Master's degree
full-time studies
part-time studies
PhysiotherapyStudies in Polish

Short pg coursesmore »
Corrective and Compensatory Gymnastics Studies in Polish
Rehabilitacja dzieci i niemowląt Studies in Polish
Techniki terapii manualnej w dysfunkcjach narządu ruchu Studies in Polish
Trener przygotowania motorycznego z elementami odnowy biologicznej Studies in Polish

Other short coursesmore »
Kinesiotaping Foundations Studies in Polish
Kobido – japoński lifting twarzy, lifting bez skalpela Studies in Polish
Masaż twarzy kamieniami Gua Sha Studies in Polish

College of Education and Therapy Kazimiera Milanowska (before College of Education and Therapy) was founded on 4th February 2005 on the basis of the decision of Ministry of Education and Sport and is officially registered  under  number 167 on the list of private colleges and the association of private colleges

The College of Education and Therapy Kazimiera Milanowska was created on the basis of Wielkopolska Medical School using its long-lasting  tradition and experience in educating physiotherapy, massage, pharmacy and dental technicians as well as occupational therapists. Devoted and enthusiastic teaching staff,  among them  the best lecturers and practitioners,  are  crucial for the dynamic development of the College and helped the school achieve numerous educational successes. The College offers its students friendly atmosphere making studies more enjoyable, satisfying and unforgettable  experience.

From the very beginning College of Education and Therapy Kazimiera Milanowska has consequently cherished students' favourable opinions as well as  positive recognition among employers. We want to be perceived as a specialist college and our ambition is to have a place among the world-class leading vocational medical colleges. 

College dynamic development

2004 –first recruitment for 1st degree studies in Physiotherapy
2005 –first recruitment for 1st degree studies in Physical Education 2006 – first recruitment for 1st degree studies in Material Engineering
2007 – Distant Department in Szczecin
2007 – WSEiT one of the top Physiotherapy schools in Poland - on the basis of YEAP
2008 – Extended Erasmus Charter awarded to the College by European Commission
2008 – WSEiT a member of European Network of Physiotherapy in Higher Education
2008 – bilateral agreement with Polish Association of Dental Technicians
2008 – 1st degree studies in Teacher Education
2009 – 1st degree studies in Cosmetology
2012 - 2nd degree studies in Physiotherapy
2014 - 1st degree studies in Physiotherapy in English

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