Gdańsk, Poland

University of Gdańsk

Uniwersytet Gdański

University type: universities
University status: public

full-time studies
part-time studies
Criminology and Criminal JusticeStudies in English
Cultural CommunicationStudies in English
International BusinessStudies in English
AdministrationStudies in Polish
Economic AdministrationStudies in Polish
Judicature AdministrationStudies in Polish
Public Safety AdministationStudies in Polish
Administracja biznesu i finansówStudies in Polish
Administracja organizacji i instytucji międzynarodowychStudies in Polish
American StudiesStudies in Polish
Applied LinguisticsStudies in Polish
Język angielski z językiem niemieckimStudies in Polish
Język angielski z językiem polskim jako obcymStudies in Polish
Język angielski z językiem włoskimStudies in Polish
ArchaeologyStudies in Polish
Art Institution ManagementStudies in Polish
Specjalność menedżerskaStudies in Polish
BioinformaticsStudies in Polish
BiologyStudies in Polish
BiotechnologyStudies in Polish
ChemistryStudies in Polish
Classical PhilologyStudies in Polish
Mediterranean CivilizationStudies in Polish
Wiedza o literaturze, książce i teatrzeStudies in Polish
CriminologyStudies in Polish
Cultural StudiesStudies in Polish
Culture AnimationStudies in Polish
Krytyka i popularyzacja kulturyStudies in Polish
Kultura mediów elektronicznych i redakcja stron internetowychStudies in Polish
DiplomacyStudies in Polish
Dyplomacja publicznaStudies in Polish
Dyplomacja społecznaStudies in Polish
Eastern StudiesStudies in Polish
EconomicsStudies in Polish
Electronic BusinessStudies in Polish
LogisticsStudies in Polish
Biznes onlineStudies in Polish
Ekonomi biznesuStudies in Polish
Ekonomia biznesuStudies in Polish
Ekonomika transportu i logistykaStudies in Polish
Finanse i audyt przedsiębiorstwStudies in Polish
Innowacyjność w gospodarceStudies in Polish
Podstawy biznesuStudies in Polish
Podstawy teorii przedsiębiorczości i innowacyjnościStudies in Polish
Podstawy transportu, spedycji i logistykiStudies in Polish
Polityka gospodarcza i strategia przedsiębiorczościStudies in Polish
Przedsiębiorstwo – finanse i rynekStudies in Polish
Przedsiębiorstwo w innowacyjnej gospodarceStudies in Polish
Transport i mobilnośćStudies in Polish
English StudiesStudies in Polish
Specjalność nauczycielskaStudies in Polish
Specjalność translatorycznaStudies in Polish
Environmental ProtectionStudies in Polish
EthnologyStudies in Polish
Film and Audiovisual CultureStudies in Polish
Finance and AccountingStudies in Polish
Financial AnalystStudies in English
Genetics and Experimental BiologyStudies in Polish
GeographyStudies in Polish
GeologyStudies in Polish
German StudiesStudies in Polish
Specjalność biznesowo-gospodarczaStudies in Polish
Specjalność nauczycielskaStudies in Polish
Specjalność translatorycznaStudies in Polish
German StudiesStudies in Polish
Specjalność biznesowo-turystycznaStudies in Polish
Specjalność historyczno-filologicznaStudies in Polish
Historical Sightseeing and TourismStudies in Polish
HistoryStudies in Polish
Archival Science and Document ManagementStudies in Polish
Historia w przestrzeni medialnejStudies in Polish
Specjalność nauczycielskaStudies in Polish
History of ArtStudies in Polish
Iberian StudiesStudies in Polish
Informatics and EconometricsStudies in Polish
International Economic RelationsStudies in Polish
International BusinessStudies in Polish
International MarketingStudies in Polish
Finanse międzynarodowe i bankowośćStudies in Polish
Menedżer w biznesie międzynarodowymStudies in Polish
Międzynarodowa ekonomia menedżerskaStudies in Polish
Międzynarodowy transport i handel morskiStudies in Polish
Obsługa transakcji w handlu zagranicznymStudies in Polish
Podstawy przedsiębiorczości międzynarodowejStudies in Polish
Podstawy transakcji w handlu zagranicznymStudies in Polish
Projekty w biznesie międzynarodowymStudies in Polish
Przedsiębiorstwo na rynku międzynarodowymStudies in Polish
Transport morski w obsłudze handlu zagranicznegoStudies in Polish
Japanese StudiesStudies in Polish
Journalism and Social CommunicationStudies in Polish
Kashubian EthnophilologyStudies in Polish
ManagementStudies in Polish
MathematicsStudies in Polish
General MathematicsStudies in Polish
Matematyka nauczycielskaStudies in Polish
Medical BiologyStudies in Polish
NeurobiologyStudies in Polish
Diagnostyka molekularno-biochemicznaStudies in Polish
Medical PhysicsStudies in Polish
National SecurityStudies in Polish
Internal SecurityStudies in Polish
International SecurityStudies in Polish
Nuclear Safety and Radiation ProtectionStudies in Polish
OceanographyStudies in Polish
PedagogyStudies in Polish
PhilosophyStudies in Polish
PhysicsStudies in Polish
Polish PhilologyStudies in Polish
Political ScienceStudies in Polish
Religion StudiesStudies in Polish
Russian StudiesStudies in Polish
Russian StudiesStudies in Polish
SinologyStudies in Polish
SlavisticsStudies in Polish
Social WorkStudies in Polish
Asystent rodzinStudies in Polish
Asystent senioraStudies in Polish
SociologyStudies in Polish
Antropologia i socjologia kulturyStudies in Polish
Socjologia życia publicznegoStudies in Polish
Spatial EconomyStudies in Polish
Taxes and Tax ConsultantsStudies in Polish
Theatre StudiesStudies in Polish
Water Resource Management and ProtectionStudies in Polish
Akwakultura – biznes i technologiaStudies in Polish
Filologia romańska (z drugim językiem romańskim)Studies in Polish
Kultura i mediaStudies in Polish
Specjalność nauczycielskaStudies in Polish
Indywidualne studia międzydziedzinoweStudies in Polish
Informatyka, profil ogólnoakademickiStudies in Polish
Informatyka, profil praktycznyStudies in Polish
Modelowanie matematyczne i analiza danychStudies in Polish
Data AnalysisStudies in Polish
Eksploracja danych w finansach i ubezpieczeniachStudies in Polish
Matematyka ekonomicznaStudies in Polish
Modelowanie zjawisk fizycznychStudies in Polish
Ochrona dóbr kultury i muzealnictwoStudies in Polish
Ochrona zasobów przyrodniczychStudies in Polish
Produkcja form audiowizualnychStudies in Polish
Projektowanie gier historycznychStudies in Polish
Skandynawistyka – duńska lub fińska ścieżka językowaStudies in Polish
Skandynawistyka – norweska lub szwedzka ścieżka językowaStudies in Polish
Studia bałkańskieStudies in Polish
Sztuka kreatywnego pisaniaStudies in Polish
Zarządzanie instytucjami służby zdrowiaStudies in Polish
Zarządzanie w sporcie – studia menedżerskieStudies in Polish

Bachelor's - engineer
full-time studies
part-time studies
Biznes chemicznyStudies in Polish
Hydrografia morskaStudies in Polish

Integrated Master's degree
full-time studies
part-time studies
Early School and Pre-School PedagogyStudies in Polish
LawStudies in Polish
LogopaedicStudies in Polish
PsychologyStudies in Polish
Clinical PsychologyStudies in Polish
Psychological SexologyStudies in Polish
NaurobiopsychologiaStudies in Polish
Psychologia dzieci i młodzieżyStudies in Polish
Psychologia organizacji, zarządzania i marketinguStudies in Polish
Psychologia pracy i biznesuStudies in Polish
Psychologia sądowa i zagrożeń społecznychStudies in Polish
Special EducationStudies in Polish
Edukacja i rehabilitacja osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualnąStudies in Polish
Edukacja i terapia osób ze spektrum autyzmuStudies in Polish
Wczesne wspomaganie rozwojuStudies in Polish

full-time studies
part-time studies
Global StudiesStudies in English
International BusinessStudies in English
Logistics and MobilityStudies in English
Marine BiotechnologyStudies in English
Quantum Information TechnologyStudies in English
Tourism and HospitalityStudies in English
AdministrationStudies in Polish
American StudiesStudies in Polish
Applied LinguisticsStudies in Polish
ArchaeologyStudies in Polish
BiologyStudies in Polish
BiotechnologyStudies in Polish
Business and Environmental TechnologyStudies in Polish
ChemistryStudies in Polish
Digital ChemistryStudies in English
Classical PhilologyStudies in Polish
Specjalność translatorycznaStudies in Polish
CriminologyStudies in Polish
Specjalność kryminalistycznaStudies in Polish
Specjalność kryminologicznaStudies in Polish
Cultural StudiesStudies in Polish
Culture ManagementStudies in Polish
Kultura audiowizualnaStudies in Polish
EconomicsStudies in Polish
E-commerceStudies in Polish
Electronic BusinessStudies in Polish
LogisticsStudies in Polish
Analityka biznesowa w przedsiębiorstwieStudies in Polish
Business intelligence w otwartej gospodarceStudies in Polish
Doskonalenie procesów gospodarczychStudies in Polish
Finanse w przedsiębiorstwachStudies in Polish
Gospodarowanie finansamiStudies in Polish
Innowacyjne technologie informacyjneStudies in Polish
Logistyka i transportStudies in Polish
Morskie sektory offshoreStudies in Polish
Sprawozdawczość i audytStudies in Polish
Strategie rozwoju biznesuStudies in Polish
English StudiesStudies in Polish
Translation, InterpretationStudies in Polish
Język, literatura, edukacjaStudies in Polish
Przetwarzanie języka naturalnegoStudies in Polish
Environmental ProtectionStudies in Polish
EthnologyStudies in Polish
Film and Audiovisual CultureStudies in Polish
Finance and AccountingStudies in Polish
Financial AnalystStudies in English
German StudiesStudies in Polish
Specjalność nauczycielskaStudies in Polish
Specjalność translatorycznaStudies in Polish
Historical Sightseeing and TourismStudies in Polish
HistoryStudies in Polish
Specjalność nauczycielska – historia i WOSStudies in Polish
Współczesne muzeumStudies in Polish
History of ArtStudies in Polish
Informatics and EconometricsStudies in Polish
Business InformaticsStudies in English
International Economic RelationsStudies in Polish
International TradeStudies in Polish
Globalne usługi finansoweStudies in Polish
Międzynarodowa ekonomia menedżerskaStudies in Polish
Międzynarodowa ekspansja przedsiębiorstwStudies in Polish
Międzynarodowe strategie marketingoweStudies in Polish
Międzynarodowy transport i handel morskiStudies in Polish
Projekty w biznesie międzynarodowymStudies in Polish
Społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesuStudies in Polish
Strategie w biznesie międzynarodowymStudies in Polish
Transport morski w biznesie międzynarodowymStudies in Polish
Wyzwania w biznesie międzynarodowymStudies in Polish
Journalism and Social CommunicationStudies in Polish
Fotografia medialna i reklamowaStudies in Polish
Reklama i public relationsStudies in Polish
LogopaedicStudies in Polish
ManagementStudies in Polish
ManagementStudies in English
MathematicsStudies in Polish
Matematyka finansowaStudies in Polish
Matematyka nauczycielskaStudies in Polish
Matematyka teoretycznaStudies in Polish
Medical BiologyStudies in Polish
Medical PhysicsStudies in Polish
National SecurityStudies in Polish
Bezpieczeństwo państwaStudies in Polish
Służby specjalne i graniczneStudies in Polish
OceanographyStudies in Polish
PedagogyStudies in Polish
Pedagogika resocjalizacyjna z elementami psychoterapiiStudies in Polish
Pedagogika szkolna i opiekuńczo-wychowawczaStudies in Polish
PhilosophyStudies in Polish
PhysicsStudies in Polish
Polish PhilologyStudies in Polish
Political ScienceStudies in Polish
Europeistyka i przemiany globalneStudies in Polish
Międzynarodowe stosunki polityczneStudies in Polish
Specjalność ustrojowo-samorządowaStudies in Polish
Religion StudiesStudies in Polish
Russian StudiesStudies in Polish
Moduł literacko-kulturowyStudies in Polish
Moduł medialno-komunikacyjnyStudies in Polish
Moduł translatoryczno-językoznaczyStudies in Polish
Scandinavian studiesStudies in Polish
SlavisticsStudies in Polish
Social WorkStudies in Polish
SociologyStudies in Polish
Spatial EconomyStudies in Polish
Taxes and Tax ConsultantsStudies in Polish
Biznes chemicznyStudies in Polish
Filologia romańska i iberystykaStudies in Polish
Specjalność nauczycielskaStudies in Polish
Specjalność translatorycznaStudies in Polish
Geografia fizyczna z geoinformacjąStudies in Polish
Geografia społeczno-ekonomiczna z elementami GISStudies in Polish
Indywidualne studia międzydziedzinoweStudies in Polish
Informatyka, profil ogólnoakademickiStudies in Polish
Modelowanie matematyczne i analiza danychStudies in Polish
Prawo w administracji i gospodarceStudies in Polish
Ubezpieczenia – studia interdyscyplinarneStudies in Polish
Zarządzanie i komunikacja w sztukach scenicznychStudies in Polish

Doctoral School (disciplines)more »
Quantum Information Theory Studies in English
Archaeology Studies in Polish
Art history/Ästhetics Studies in Polish
Chemistry Science Studies in Polish
Economics and Finance Studies in Polish
History Studies in Polish
Law Science Studies in Polish
Life Science Studies in Polish
Linguistics Studies in Polish
Literary Studies Studies in Polish
Mathematics Studies in Polish
Medical Science Studies in Polish
Pedagogy Studies in Polish
Philosophy Studies in Polish
Physics Science Studies in Polish
Polish studies Studies in Polish
Psychology Studies in Polish
Geografia społeczno-ekonomiczna i gospodarka przestrzenna Studies in Polish
Nauki o kulturze i religii Studies in Polish
Nauki o polityce i administracji Studies in Polish
Nauki o zarządzaniu i jakości Studies in Polish
Nauki o Ziemi i środowisku Studies in Polish
Nauki socjologiczne Studies in Polish

MBAmore »
Executive MBA Studies in English

Double degreemore »
Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, France

Short pg coursesmore »
Podyplomowe studia przygotowujące do doktoratu z ekonomii w języku angielskim Studies in English
Advanced Analytics - Big Data Studies in Polish
Civil Law Studies in Polish
Clinical Psychology Studies in Polish
Human Capital Management Studies in Polish
Management of IT Projects Studies in Polish
Medical Law Studies in Polish
Modern Diplomacy Studies in Polish
Project Management Studies in Polish
Security and Crisis Management Studies in Polish
Teaching Polish as a Foreign Language Studies in Polish
Traffic Psychology Studies in Polish
Controlling w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem Studies in Polish
Diagnostyka psychologiczna Studies in Polish
Doskonalące studia podyplomowe dla nauczycieli szkół podstawowych i ponadpodstawowych prowadzących zajęcia z uczniami o zróżnicowanych potrzebach rozwojowych i edukacyjnych Studies in Polish
Edukacja i terapia osób ze spektrum autyzmu dla nauczycieli Studies in Polish
Edukacja na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju: morska energetyka wiatrowa Studies in Polish
Event Manager Studies in Polish
GIS - Systemy Informacji Geograficznej Studies in Polish
Interim Management Studies in Polish
Legislacja w samorządzie terytorialnym Studies in Polish
Logopedia medialna Studies in Polish
Lokalne struktury władzy - kształtowanie elit samorządowych Studies in Polish
Manager Health Care Technology. Menedżer ochrony Studies in Polish
Mediacje sądowe i interwencja kryzysowa Studies in Polish
Metodologia badań w naukach prawnych Studies in Polish
Mitygacja i adaptacja do zmian klimatu Studies in Polish
Ochrona danych osobowych Studies in Polish
Ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego: muzea, edukacja, turystyka Studies in Polish
Organizacja i zarządzanie w transporcie kolejowym Studies in Polish
Outdoor Learning. Edukacja w plenerze Studies in Polish
Podatki i prawo podatkowe Studies in Polish
Podyplomowe studia menedżerskie Studies in Polish
Postępowanie administracyjne Studies in Polish
Pośrednictwo i inwestowanie na rynku nieruchomości Studies in Polish
Prawo spółek Studies in Polish
Psychologia edukacji Studies in Polish
Psychologia przywództwa w organizacjach Studies in Polish
Psychologia sportu Studies in Polish
Psychoterapia dzieci i młodzieży w nurcie poznawczo-behawioralnym Studies in Polish
Psychotraumatologia Studies in Polish
Rachunkowość ACCA Studies in Polish
Rachunkowość ACCA - poziom profesjonalny Studies in Polish
Resocjalizacja i socjoterapia według standardu kształcenia przygotowującego do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela Studies in Polish
Resocjalizacja i wczesna interwencja społeczna Studies in Polish
Resocjalizacja z kryminologią Studies in Polish
Socjoterapia i praca z grupą Studies in Polish
Start for Ph.D. in Social Science Studies in Polish
Stosowana analiza zachowania: terapia spektrum zaburzeń autystycznych Studies in Polish
Studia podyplomowe emisji i higieny głosu Studies in Polish
Studia podyplomowe gedanistyki Studies in Polish
Studia podyplomowe historii Studies in Polish
Studia podyplomowe historii sztuki Studies in Polish
Studia podyplomowe italianistyczne Studies in Polish
Studia podyplomowe logopedyczne Studies in Polish
Studia podyplomowe nauczanie języka kaszubskiego Studies in Polish
Studia podyplomowe neurologopedyczne Studies in Polish
Studia podyplomowe pedagogiczne Studies in Polish
Studia podyplomowe podstaw informatyki Studies in Polish
Studia podyplomowe polonistyczne - nauczyciel języka polskiego Studies in Polish
Studia podyplomowe prawa pracy Studies in Polish
Studia podyplomowe prawa własności intelektualnej i prawa nowych technologii Studies in Polish
Studia podyplomowe rachunkowości i podatków Studies in Polish
Studia podyplomowe skandynawistyczne Studies in Polish
Studia podyplomowe surdologopedyczne Studies in Polish
Studia podyplomowe uzupełniające terapii logopedycznej Studies in Polish
Studia podyplomowe z logistyki dla nauczycieli Studies in Polish
Terapia i edukacja dzieci i młodzieży z całościowymi zaburzeniami rozwoju Studies in Polish
Terapia i edukacja dzieci i młodzieży ze specyficznymi trudnościami w uczeniu się Studies in Polish
Tłumaczenia ustne Studies in Polish
Translatoryka - przekład literacki Studies in Polish
Translatoryka - przekład medyczny Studies in Polish
Translatoryka - przekład specjalistyczny Studies in Polish
Ubezpieczenia społeczne Studies in Polish
Wczesne wspomaganie oraz edukacja i terapia dzieci i młodzieży z zaburzeniami rozwoju Studies in Polish
Wczesne wspomaganie rozwoju dziecka dla pedagogów specjalnych Studies in Polish
Wczesne wspomaganie rozwoju dziecka i wsparcia rodziny Studies in Polish
Wsparcie logistyczne działalności gospodarczej Studies in Polish
Wycena nieruchomości Studies in Polish
Zaawansowana rachunkowość finansowa, zarządcza i podatkowa Studies in Polish
Zamówienia publiczne Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie nieruchomościami i projektami deweloperskimi [we współpracy z Euro Styl (Grupa Dom Development) oraz JLL] Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie oświatą z prawem oświatowym Studies in Polish

Other short coursesmore »
Efektywne kierowanie zespołem pracowniczym Studies in Polish
Excel dla zaawansowanych Studies in Polish
Excel: szkolenie podstawowe Studies in Polish
Interaktywne narzędzia w szkoleniach, wystąpieniach i promocji Studies in Polish
Jak dobrze wypaść przed mikrofonem? Studies in Polish
Know-how osoby niepełnosprawnej na rynku pracy Studies in Polish
Komunikacja marketingowa w mediach społecznościowych Studies in Polish
Kreowanie wizerunku marki Studies in Polish
Kultura i savoir-vivre w miejscu pracy i nie tylko Studies in Polish
Kursy biznesowe Studies in Polish
Kursy kompetencji miękkich i kulturowych Studies in Polish
Kursy marketingowe Studies in Polish
Kursy SEO Studies in Polish
Marketing innowacji Studies in Polish
Motywowanie do nauki Studies in Polish
Niewidomi: jak pomagać, żeby nie zaszkodzić? Studies in Polish
Opinia biegłego psychiatry jako dowód w postępowaniu Studies in Polish
Podstawy sztucznej inteligencji w edukacji Studies in Polish
Prawo pracy z perspektywy pracownika Studies in Polish
Projektowanie doświadczeń klientów w usługach Studies in Polish
Seria szkoleń „Wypalenie zawodowe”, „Regulacja emocji i radzenie sobie ze stresem”, „Zdrowie i dobrostan”, „Efektywna komunikacja (w tym także międzypokoleniowa) – jak budować mosty zamiast Studies in Polish
Sztuczna inteligencja w edukacji - potencjał i zagrożenia Studies in Polish
Trening integracyjny Studies in Polish
Wizualne konwersacje. Komunikacja obrazami i rozwój umiejętności miękkich Studies in Polish
Wyprowadzamy z błędu - czyli poprawna polszczyzna w pracy urzędnika/redaktora Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie zmianami Studies in Polish

Faculties, schools of studymore »
Faculty of Biology
Faculty of Chemistry
Faculty of Economics
Faculty of History
Faculty of Law and Administration
Faculty of Management
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science
Faculty of Philology
Faculty of Social Sciences
Międzyuczelniany Wydział Biotechnologii UG i GUMed
Wydział Oceanografii i Geografii

The University of Gdańsk was founded on 20 March 1970. It was formed from an amalgamation of two institutions of higher education: the Higher Economics School in Sopot and the Higher Pedagogical School in Gdańsk. Later, it also included the Higher Teacher Training School. The precursor of the University of Gdańsk was the Higher School of Maritime Trade in Sopot, which began its activities in 1945 and awarded its first degrees in 1947.

Currently, the University of Gdańsk is the largest educational institution in the Pomorze region. We offer almost forty different fields of study with over one hundred and forty different specialisations. We have eleven faculties with almost thirty-three thousand students, doctoral students and post-graduates, who are taught by one thousand seven hundred academic staff. In such fields of study as Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Oceanography, Quantum Physics, Pedagogy, Psychology and Economic Sciences, the University of Gdańsk is one of the best institutions in Poland. Within the framework of European programmes, such as Erasmus, UG students can broaden their knowledge and study abroad, thus broadening their educational experience. They also participate in the MOST programme, which enables them to study for one semester at any of the nineteen universities in Poland. The UG Careers Office, which is the leader among vocational consultants in the Pomorskie Voivodeship, helps students to find employment and make decisions concerning their professional development. The numerous foreign placements undertaken by the University's academic staff help them to offer students a modern and open education.

Academic staff

The members of the academic staff of the University of Gdańsk conduct scientific and scholarly research on a world-class level, not only creatively expanding the frontiers of knowledge, but also serving the whole of the Pomorze region with their knowledge and experience, thus aiding its dynamic modern development. Because of the development and the activities of its academic staff, the University of Gdańsk has become an incubator for entrepreneurship in such areas as Biotechnology, Biology and Chemistry. The University is currently cooperating with higher education institutions in all the countries of Europe and in many more distant countries around the world. Research and other activities are conducted within the framework of over one hundred international agreements with foreign partners. A series of University institutes and departments have obtained, or are in the process of obtaining, the prestigious status of centres of excellence, which is the European certificate and stamp of quality.

UG students

Apart from acquiring knowledge, students can realise their passions and broaden their interests in over one hundred and eighty scientific and scholarly research groups and student organisations operating at the University of Gdańsk. They can participate in the Academic Choir of the University of Gdańsk, which has won many prizes at international festivals, the Jantar Song and Dance Ensemble, or the Alternator Academic Cultural Centre, which organises cultural projects and events that are important for the whole Pomorze region. Another important part of academic life is sport, and the teams of the UG Academic Sports Union and of the Physical Education and Sports Department regularly win medals and awards in the most important sporting competitions in Poland and abroad.

Our range of courses

In recent years, the University has created new fields of study and adapted its range of courses to meet the requirements of the labour market. In 2004, Archaeology was added to our range of courses, in 2005, Cultural Studies, and in 2006, Journalism, Media and Communication. Also in 2006, in conjunction with the Medical University of Gdańsk, the University initiated studies in Logopaedics, a unique initiative in Poland. The latest fields of study at the University of Gdańsk are Ethnology, Historical Sightseeing and Tourism, Applied Linguistics, Special Pedagogy, Social Work, Spatial Management, Geology, American Studies, International Economic Relations, and also courses offered in English, such as International Business. Every year, the University expands its range of courses in doctoral and post-graduate studies.

The University of Gdańsk strongly supports the idea of the creation of the European Space for Higher education, in January 2004, the UG Senate passed a resolution introducing the Bologna system from the 2005/2006 academic year (three-cycle higher education) as the basic system of education at the university. The University of Gdańsk was the first institution of higher education in Poland to introduce in 2004 the full scope of the Bologna system of education, which facilitates the work of students and opens new perspectives for obtaining a degree. To meet the increasing demand for knowledge, the University of Gdańsk offers doctoral studies, and also over eighty fields of post-graduate study, which open up the opportunity for a professional career in Poland and in Europe.

In mari via tua

One of the assets of the University of Gdańsk is its relationship with the sea. The reputation of the university in marine matters is built on its excellent research stations with their international reputations: the Hel Marine Stationof the Institute of Oceanography and the Bird Migration Research Station. The marine image of the university is also enhanced by its fields of study, specialisations and scientific research connected with the sea and with the Baltic coast in particular. This concerns, above all, the Faculties of Biology, Oceanography and Geography, and such subjects as Biology, Geography, Environmental Protection and Oceanography (Gdańsk is the only place in Poland where this subject can be studied). It also concerns the Faculty of Chemistry, where research is conducted into protection of the marine environment, and the Faculty of Law and Administration, which carries out important research into maritime law, international maritime law, the laws and systems of towns in Pomorze and maritime criminology.

The Faculty of Economics includes the Institute of Maritime Transport and Trade, the members of whose staff conduct research into the economic aspects of the functioning of transport and trade at sea. They also offer the speciality of International Maritime Transport and Trade, educating specialists in this field.

The interests of the University's literary scholars are focussed on the city and the region. Long-term research is being conducted into the connections between the literatures of various epochs and maritime issues in Pomorze. Works are also being prepared on the folklore of north-eastern Poland and on Balto-Slavic mythology.

In their research, historians concentrate on the problems of the Baltic Sea region and the history of Gdańsk and Pomorze.

In this way, the University of Gdańsk implements its motto of in mari via tua, and serves the development of the Pomorze region, whose wealth is the very sea itself.

Foreign cooperation

The University of Gdańsk cooperates with universities, institutions of higher education and scientific/scholarly research institutions from almost all the countries in the world. This enables both a broadening of its range of courses and an increase in the expertise of the academic staff, as well as the expansion of the University of Gdańsk into new subject areas. An important element of these joint activities is the implementation of projects within the Framework Programmes of the European Union. In the period from 2002 to the end of 2008, the University of Gdańsk participated in over one hundred European and international projects. The largest number of projects was realised within the 5th Framework Programme, including the establishing of three European Centres of Excellence: the Research and Education Centre for Urban Socio-Economic Development (RECOURSE), the Centre of Excellence for Baltic Development, Education and Research (BALTDER), and the Centre of Excellence in Bio-safety and Molecular Biomedicine (BioMoBil). Successes were also enjoyed by the University of Gdańsk's research teams within the 6th Framework Programme, where two of the realised projects constituted a so-called excellence network: Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning (MARBEF), and the European Vigilance Network for the Management of Antiviral Drug Resistance (VIRGIL). UG research teams are also expressing considerable interest in the 7th EU Framework Programme by applying for grants announced by the European Commission.

For Polish science, scholarship and research, Poland's membership of the European Union opened new possibilities of financing activities through, among other things, taking advantage of structural funds - the European Social Fund, the European Regional Development Fund, and Community initiatives. In the 2004-2006 programme period, projects were realised both within the framework of the Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources Development, and within the framework of the Integrated Regional Operational Programme. The University of Gdańsk also participated in Interreg III and the EQUAL Initiative. In the 2007-2013 programme period, the University is in the process of implementing the first projects from the Operational Programme: Innovative Economy, Pomorskie Regional Operational Programme, and the Human Capital Operational Programme, including the strengthening and development of its teaching potential within the framework of Priority IV: "Tertiary education and science".

Members of the academic staff of the University of Gdańsk also win other European and international grants, e.g. within the framework of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, as well as the Lifelong Learning Programme.

Participation in European programmes also allows the expansion of the university and the broadening of its teaching and research base.

A significant element of international cooperation is the joint organisation by the University of Gdańsk and other scientific/scholarly institutions of conferences and symposia.

Another is the participation of the university in consortia working on the implementation of larger research programmes.

The university's foreign cooperation activities are also developing within the framework of over one hundred bilateral cooperation agreements with foreign partners, and also on the basis of almost two hundred and fifty agreements which the University of Gdańsk has signed with European institutions within the framework of the LLP-Erasmus Programme. The University of Gdańsk has, from the very beginning, joined in those European programmes connected with the possibility of arranging foreign placements for students, such as Europraca and Erasmus - Work experience.

UG's development strategy

The current development strategy of the University of Gdańsk is concentrated on the expansion of the university within the framework of three campuses: Oliwa (the Baltic Campus of the University of Gdańsk), Sopot, and Gdynia. In 2008, on the Oliwa Campus, the university took possession of the new building of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Institute of Geography, which contains modern multi-media lecture halls, dedicated rooms for sociology, observation, therapeutics, art, music and photography, as well as radio and television studios designed, above all, for students of Journalism and Social Communication, and also a spacious hall for exhibitions and concerts.

In 2006, also on the Oliwa Campus, the university took possession of the new Main Library of the University of Gdańsk, the most modern in the Pomorze region and designed as a centre of academic information for the whole community. Fully computerised, it offers free access to over five hundred thousand volumes. The reading rooms and special rooms for individual study meet all the demands of the 21st century and serve the needs of students and the academic community of the whole region. Since 2005, Gdynia has been able to boast the elegant building of the Institute of Oceanography with its modern laboratories and workrooms, lecture hall and exhibition room. The building of the Institute of Oceanography was recognized by the Chairperson of Gdynia City Council as the best investment in 2006 in the "Gdynia Time" competition. On the Sopot Campus, in 2006, the new Teaching and Conference Centre of the University of Gdańsk was opened.

The Baltic Campus of the University of Gdańsk

Among the plans for the development of the University of Gdańsk in the years 2007-2013 is the extension of the university's campus in Gdańsk-Oliwa within the framework of the programme entitled "The Construction of the University of Gdańsk's Campus in the years 2007-2013". The concept of the Baltic Campus of the University of Gdańsk involves the construction, alongside existing buildings - the University administrative building, the Faculties of Law and Administration, Langauges, History, Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, and the Main Library of the University of Gdańsk - of a new building of Social Sciences and the Institute of Geography. Plans call for theconstruction of a seriesof new buildings for the Faculties of Biology, Chemistry, Social Sciences and the Institute of Geography. As part of a second stage of construction, these plans project the building of an Informatics building for the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, a National Centre for Quantum Informatics, a new Modern Languages building for the Faculty of Languages, and also a University Centre for Sport and Recreation, as well as a students' hostel with about 240 places (a second such hostel is planned for the Sopot Campus).

Part of the programme for the Baltic Campus of the University of Gdańsk, a project entitled "The Construction of Buildings for the Faculties of Chemistry and Biology of the University of Gdańsk", is on the List of Key Individual Projects for the Operational Programme "Infrastructure and Environment" in Priority XIII of the Higher Education Infrastructure Plan (for the years 2007-2013). The University of Gdańsk has received financing of 236 million PLN for this investment. Within the framework of this investment, there will be built two new buildings for the Faculty of Chemistry (for Chemistry and for Environmental Protection), and one building for the Faculty of Biology. The three modern buildings which will be constructed within the framework of this project will enable graduates to acquire crucial competences in the field of ICT, foreign languages and vocational qualifications, and also to conduct research at a level matching that in the rest of the world. The Faculties of Biology and Chemistry will educate highly qualified specialists in the fields of science, which will undoubtedly help to develop the skills of the administrative and business workforce of Pomorze and the whole Baltic Sea region.

The construction of the Baltic Campus of the University of Gdańsk is an opportunity to create in Pomorze one of the strongest academic and scientific centres in the Baltic Sea region. The Baltic Campus, located in Gdańsk-Oliwa, will play the role of the scientific, teaching and student centre of the Three Cities of Gdańsk, Sopot and Gdynia. The University of Gdańsk, aware of its potential, has come forward with an initiative for conducting joint activities in research and development by scientific centres and institutions located by the Baltic Sea.

The development of research activity, the introduction of new fields of study, giving the opportunity for comprehensive development, and the expansion of the teaching and research base, will allow the University of Gdańsk to reinforce further its position as the leader among the higher education institutions in Northern Poland.

University of Gdańsk in The Three Cities

All buildings of the University of Gdańsk, together with its scientific research stations, are located at a range of sites from Gdańsk to the Hel Peninsula, thus covering a sizeable portion of the Polish coast. Most of the faculties are concentrated in the Three Cities of Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot. The Trójmiasto, or the Three Cities of Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot, is one of the most beautiful places in Poland. Together the three cities have over 800,000 inhabitants. The Three Cities conurbation possesses an efficient transport system, an international airport, and ferry connections with Scandanavia. Historic Gdańsk, modern Gdynia and Sopot, the pearl of the Baltic Sea on the very coast itself, each year attract thousands of tourists. The attractive location of the Three Cities on the coast and its many outstanding theatres, concert halls and museums constitute an additional asset and an attraction for students choosing to study here.

The University of Gdańsk in figures 2014

  • 11 faculties
  • Department of Foreign Languages
  • Department of Physical Education and Sport
  • 69 fields of study
  • 198 specialities
  • 1,659 scientific and teaching staff
  • 27,543 students
  • 18 doctoral studies
  • 1,431 doctoral students
  • 85 post-graduate studies
  • 1,882 post-graduate students
  • 1,500,000 volumes in the collections of the University Library
  • 1,874,319 books available electronically
  • 120,000 periodicals available electronically
  • 33,500 works available in Pomeranian Digital Library
  • 6 specialist libraries
  • Main Library
  • 1,100 places in the reading rooms
  • 7 days a week - reading rooms are open
  • 10 student hostels
  • 2,009 places in student hostels
  • 180 student scientific circles at all faculties
  • 25 inter-faculty student scientific circles, associations and organisations
  • 10 foreign languages for students
  • 1,557 generally available computer stations for students, 1,551 with internet access
  • 97, 895,37 m2 - surface area of teaching and scientific buildings currently functioning within the framework of the Oliwa Campus
  • 136,997,99m2 - surface area of all university buildings fulfilling scientific, teaching and administrative functions
  • 51,869 m² - surface area of the investment for the Construction of the Baltic Campus of the University of Gdańsk within the Framework of the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme 2007-2013
  • 9 new buildings within the framework of the Project for the Construction of the Baltic Campus of the University of Gdańsk: Faculty of Social Sciences and the Institute of Geography of the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography, Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Biology, a new building for Modern Languages and for the central administration, the Institute of Biotechnology, the Institute of Computer Sciences, the, Sports and Recreation Centre, student hostel
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