Gdańsk, Poland

Gdansk College of Health

Wyższa Szkoła Zdrowia w Gdańsku

University type: medical
University status: non-public

MBAmore »
MBA in Healthcare Studies in Polish

Short pg coursesmore »
Dietetics Studies in Polish
Dietetics in Sport Studies in Polish
Podiatry Studies in Polish
Psychodietetics Studies in Polish
Edukator diabetologiczny Studies in Polish
Fizjoterapia w onkologii Studies in Polish
Hi-Tech w kosmetologii Studies in Polish
Kosmetologia bioestetyczna Studies in Polish
Onkokosmetologia Studies in Polish
Trener medyczny Studies in Polish
Trychologia kosmetologiczna Studies in Polish

Other short coursesmore »
Psychodietetics Studies in Polish
Bańki ogniowe i bezogniowe Studies in Polish
Fizjoterapia oddechowa w ujęciu neurodiagnostycznym – MODUŁ I Studies in Polish
Fizjoterapia oddechowa w ujęciu neurodiagnostycznym – MODUŁ II Studies in Polish
Fizjoterapia pacjentów po COVID-19 Studies in Polish
Joga twarzy Studies in Polish
Knee from science to practice - diagnostyka i leczenie w uszkodzeniach stawu kolanowego Studies in Polish
Kosmetologia ajurwedyjska Studies in Polish
Kurs makijażu Studies in Polish
Laminacja brwi i lifting rzęs Studies in Polish
Makijaż fotograficzny Studies in Polish
Makijaż okolicznościowy Studies in Polish
Manicure hybrydowy i praca frezarką Studies in Polish
Manicure żelowy Studies in Polish
Masaż klasyczny I stopnia Studies in Polish
Masaż klasyczny II stopnia Studies in Polish
Masaż KOBIDO i kinesiotaping estetyczny Studies in Polish
Masaż tkanek głębokich Studies in Polish
Przedłużanie i zagęszczanie rzęs Studies in Polish
Tajniki charakteryzacji filmowej I STOPNIA Studies in Polish

Study at the College of Health in Gdansk

The College of Health in Gdańsk is a university with over 20 years of experience, which educates specialists in the field of dietetics, cosmetology, and physiotherapy at the first and second cycle level as well as uniform master's studies.

Why study at the College of Health?
What distinguishes us is innovative activities, focus on development as well as constantly striving to adapt the teaching offer to the expectations of the modern labor market. The university is increasingly identified as a training center for qualified specialists in the field of health sciences. The key aspect of implementing the study program is the practice to which we attach special importance as an essential element in the future work of a dietitian, cosmetologist, and physiotherapist. Thanks to this approach, we can be sure that graduates leaving the walls of our university will be able to continue their professional careers and help others with dignity.

High quality of education, extensive experience, teaching staff consisting of an outstanding team of doctors, specialists, experts, consultants in the field of health sciences, as well as own, professionally equipped laboratories decides that the College of Health is a very important center for the training of physiotherapists, nutritionists and cosmetologists. We care for the excellent organization of the learning process, enabling access to the best source of practical knowledge.

In implementing the "Practically for Health" Project - developing professional competences as part of integrated education programs (POWR.03.05.00-00-ZR07 / 18-00), the university established the Academic Health Center, in which our students use the acquired knowledge effectively through additional training and workshops.

We enable students to undergo professional internships in renowned medical facilities, prestigious dietetic, cosmetology, and physiotherapeutic offices. Modern and extensive facilities for practical learning of modules and a wide base of facilities, not only throughout the country but also outside Poland, allow students to implement the program at the highest level. The College of Health is, among other members of the SPA Industry Association and the European Network of Physiotherapy in Higher Education. We are convinced that our cooperation will contribute to the systematic improvement of the quality of education and the introduction of many innovative solutions in the field of cosmetology and physiotherapy, and will also help to establish long-term relationships with outstanding specialists, experts, and higher education centers around the world.

New studies in the education offer

A novelty in the education offer of the College of Health is the opportunity to study in English. Learning in this language takes place in the fields of dietetics, cosmetology, and physiotherapy. Our offer is addressed to both Polish citizens and foreigners. Studies will allow you to perfectly master industry-specific terminology. Students will learn to cooperate in an international environment and will establish contacts with students from other countries. A diploma in English is a chance to get a prestigious job position in Poland and abroad. The educational offer of the College of Health has also been enriched with second-cycle studies in the field of nutritionists.

The university's offer also includes eight post-graduate programs: dietetics, bioesthetic cosmetology, MBA in health care, podology, medical law with elements of cosmetic and pharmaceutical law, cosmetology trichology, and two new fields: dietetics in sport and geriatric care. Second-degree studies in the field of nutritionists have been oriented towards the education of dietetic masters who will be included in a highly qualified team of specialists. Education in second-cycle studies will, above all, allow graduates of first-cycle studies in dietetics to continue their education to develop practical skills, acquire advanced and targeted knowledge for their future professional work.

New post-graduate programs are a response to the current social situation. Nutrition in sport is an excellent choice for people who would like to deepen their knowledge, and above all practical skills, without spending a few years on training in a new profession. Launching the geriatric care direction is, in turn, the effect of changes in the age structure and aging of the population. In this direction, we teach the right approach and work with older people, so that their quality of life does not deteriorate, and age-related changes are not an obstacle to long professional and personal activity. Additional benefits The College of Health is also implementing a project won at the National Center for Research and Development, which aims to raise the professional competences of cosmetology students. By responding to the real needs of employers, it increases the employability of graduates. The project involves conducting workshop classes developing communication and language skills, as well as team project work.

We enable apprenticeships in reputable medical facilities and prestigious offices. We have a wide base of facilities, not only throughout the country but also outside of Poland, which means that students can implement the program at the highest level. They also have the opportunity to develop their interests and hobbies in inactive student organizations. Talking about the voice of the environment and out of concern for the health of students and residents of Pomerania, the College of Health organizes cyclical events on health prevention. Caring for the comfort of our students, we also allow you to relax in a specially arranged patio.


  • high quality of education
  • great experience
  • academic staff consists of an outstanding team of doctors, specialists, experts and consultants in the fields of medical sciences
  • well-equipped laboratories make the Gdansk College of Health very important training centre for physiotherapists, dieticians and cosmetologists
  • we are focused on providing well-organized educational proces – our students have an access to the best source of practical knowledge. They have to attend clinical classes in hospitals as well.
  • by implementing the project „Practically for Health” – development of professional competences within integrated educational programmes – we established the Academic Health Centre, where our students of cosmetology use the acquired knowledle in a practical way through additional training, workshops and projects
  • we support professional internships in reputable medical centres and prestigious diet, cosmetology and physiotherapy offices. Modern and rich facilities for the practical learning and a wide base of facilities, not only throughout the country but also abroad, make possible to implement the program at the highest level.
  • research conducted by the College shows that our graduates are valued specialists on the market.

Our actions in the face of a pandemic

We strive to ensure that the quality of our services remains high in the face of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus spread. We feel obligated and join the appeal: # stay home and take care of your and others' health. We thank the doctors, nurses, paramedics, and other services for help, care, and everyday struggle in saving our lives during the pandemic. Admission to studies In the interests of this year's high school graduates, fully committed and determined, we will do everything to allow each of our candidates to start their studies without stress and fear from the new academic year. Everyone interested in studying at the College of Health is encouraged to register online on the website available at the university's website - recruitment is ongoing. Admission to the College of Health is primarily determined by the order of applications. The university does not carry out entrance exams for studies or certificate contest.

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