Chełm, Poland

The University College of Applied Sciences in Chełm

Państwowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Chełmie

University type: school of higher vocational education
University status: public

full-time studies
part-time studies
English StudiesStudies in Polish
Filologia angielska specjalizacja amerykanistykaStudies in Polish
Filologia angielska specjalizacja translatoryka stosowanaStudies in Polish
Internal SecurityStudies in Polish
Crisis ManagementStudies in Polish
Służby mundurowe w systemie bezpieczeństwa publicznegoStudies in Polish
International RelationsStudies in Polish
Międzynarodowy wymiar obsługi ruchu granicznego i ochrona granicStudies in Polish
Zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem międzynarodowymStudies in Polish
Mathematics AppliedStudies in Polish
Applied Computer ScienceStudies in Polish
Ekonomia matematycznaStudies in Polish
MidwiferyStudies in Polish
NursingStudies in Polish
PedagogyStudies in Polish
Childcare PedagogyStudies in Polish
Animacja społeczno-kulturowa z pedagogiką mediówStudies in Polish
Pedagogika resocjalizacyjna z socjoterapiąStudies in Polish
Pedagogika szkolna z elementami arteterapiiStudies in Polish
Filologia słowiańska translatorycznaStudies in Polish
Język rosyjski z językiem ukraińskim, specjalizacja: ruch graniczny i administracja celnaStudies in Polish

Bachelor's - engineer
full-time studies
part-time studies
AgricultureStudies in Polish
AgribusinessStudies in Polish
Mechanisation of AgricultureStudies in Polish
Towaroznawstwo produktów i surowców rolniczychStudies in Polish
Civil EngineeringStudies in Polish
Budownictwo ogólneStudies in Polish
Drogi i uliceStudies in Polish
Instalacje budowlaneStudies in Polish
Electrical technologyStudies in Polish
Automatyka przemysłowa i systemy mechatroniczneStudies in Polish
Inżynieria elektryczna lotniskStudies in Polish
Inżynieria pojazdów elektrycznychStudies in Polish
Przetwarzanie i użytkowanie energii elektrycznejStudies in Polish
Mechanical Engineering and Machine BuildingStudies in Polish
Aeronautical EngineeringStudies in Polish
Automatyka i robotyka przemysłowaStudies in Polish
Diagnostyka i eksploatacja pojazdów samochodowychStudies in Polish
Mechanika lotniczaStudies in Polish
Programowanie obrabiarek sterowanych numerycznieStudies in Polish
Dietetyka i żywienie zbioroweStudies in Polish
Dietetyka i doradztwo żywienioweStudies in Polish
Żywienie zbioroweStudies in Polish

Integrated Master's degree
full-time studies
part-time studies
Early School and Pre-School PedagogyStudies in Polish

full-time studies
part-time studies
Internal SecurityStudies in Polish
Public SecurityStudies in Polish
Bezpieczeństwo militarneStudies in Polish
Bezpieczeństwo w transporcie lotniczymStudies in Polish
Obrona terytorialnaStudies in Polish
Mechanical Engineering and Machine BuildingStudies in Polish
Eksploatacja i obsługa statków powietrznychStudies in Polish
Techniki informatyczne w inżynierii mechanicznejStudies in Polish
NursingStudies in Polish
PedagogyStudies in Polish
Pedagogika opiekuńczo-wychowawcza z profilaktyką społecznąStudies in Polish
Pedagogika środowiskowa i praca z rodzinąStudies in Polish
Resocjalizacja z interwencją kryzysowąStudies in Polish

Short pg coursesmore »
Air Law Studies in Polish
Human Resources Management Studies in Polish
Management in Public Administration Studies in Polish
Security and Crisis Management Studies in Polish
Sports Dietetics Studies in Polish
Bezpieczeństwo i ochrona człowieka w środowisku pracy Studies in Polish
Bezpieczeństwo i zarządzanie kryzysowe w lotnictwie Studies in Polish
Edukacja i rehabilitacja osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną Studies in Polish
Edukacja i rehabilitacja osób z niepełnosprawnością słuchową Studies in Polish
Edukacja i rehabilitacja osób z niepełnosprawnością wzrokową Studies in Polish
Edukacja i terapia osób z zaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmu Studies in Polish
Kosmetologia w medycynie Studies in Polish
Logistyka i spedycja Studies in Polish
Organizacja i zarządzanie oświatą Studies in Polish
Prawo pracy i ubezpieczeń społecznych Studies in Polish
Programowanie obrabiarek CNC Studies in Polish
Przygotowanie pedagogiczne Studies in Polish
Public relations i marketing medialny Studies in Polish
Rachunkowość i finanse przedsiębiorstw Studies in Polish
Resocjalizacja i socjoterapia Studies in Polish
Rolnictwo dla absolwentów nierolniczych kierunków studiów Studies in Polish
Social media marketing Studies in Polish
Studia podyplomowe w zakresie logopedii Studies in Polish
Wycena nieruchomości Studies in Polish
Zamówienia publiczne Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie i marketing w rolnictwie Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie kryzysowe i ochrona informacji niejawnych Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie w lotnictwie Studies in Polish

Other short coursesmore »
Pearson English International Certificate (dawniej PTE General), międzynarodowy certyfikat potwierdzający znajomość języka angielskiego na poziomie: Level A1 (A1), Level 1 (A2), Level2 (B1) Studies in Polish
AutoCad w budownictwie (I i II stopień) Studies in Polish
AutoCad(mech.) Studies in Polish
Dializoterapia Studies in Polish
Edukacja i wsparcie dla kobiety w okresie laktacji Studies in Polish
Egzaminy certyfikowane z języka polskiego, jako obcego na poziomie B1, B2, C1 Studies in Polish
Konsultant medyczny – specjalista ds. obsługi pacjenta Studies in Polish
Kurs języka migowego Studies in Polish
Kurs języka niemieckiego Studies in Polish
Kurs języka polskiego jako obcego Studies in Polish
Kursy języka angielskiego w wymiarze 30,60,90,100 lub 120 godzin przygotowujące do certyfikatu z języka angielskiego PEARSON (poziom PTE General: Level A1, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4 Studies in Polish
Leczenie ran Studies in Polish
Ochrona danych osobowych Studies in Polish
Pielęgnowanie pacjenta dorosłego wentylowanego mechanicznie Studies in Polish
Programowanie obrabiarek sterowanych numerycznie CNC Studies in Polish
Resuscytacja krążeniowo-oddechowa Studies in Polish
Szczepienia ochronne Studies in Polish
Wsparcie psychologiczne pacjenta i jego rodziny Studies in Polish
Wykonywanie i interpretacja zapisu elektrograficznego Studies in Polish
Wywiad i badanie fizykalne Studies in Polish
Żywienie dojelitowe i pozajelitowe Studies in Polish

The University College of Applied Sciences in Chełm was established on the basis of the Prime-Ministerial Decree of July 24th, 2001.

In its first academic year, 210 students were enrolled in The Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, offering two specializations: Teaching of Mathematics, and Mathematics with Computer Science. In October 2002, the number of students reached 600 people, and at present, the School comprises approximately 3000 undergraduate students.

Every year has witnessed a consecutive growth in student numbers and programs offered. As a result, in 2002, The Institute of Modern Philology was established with two departments: English Philology and German Philology. In 2008, The Institute was expanded by American Studies and Slavic Studies, offering Russian and Ukrainian. In October 2003, The Institute of Technical Sciences was inaugurated, having initially The Department of Civil Engineering, and in 2005, The Department of Electrotechnology came into being.

The aim of the School authorities has been to create in Chełm an academic institution for all, those who are linguistically gifted and humanities minded as well as for those with technical skills and scientific orientation. Hence, in October 2004, a newly created Institute of Humanities launched studies in two specializations: Polish Philology and History. Two years later, in 2006, The Institute of Agricultural Sciences came into being offering a wide range of courses in agriculture and agriculture related studies. Further, on July 31st, 2007, The State School of Higher Education was granted entitlements to conduct studies in Education. Additionally, the School has now expanded its offer to post-graduate studies.

The first two years of the School operation were tough. In the academic year of 2001/2002, the School faculty began their work teaching in rooms rented from the Technical High School in Chełm as well as in rooms which were part of the Chełm Public Library. In the following year, The Institute of Modern Philology started its work in a rented part of the Relax Hotel. One year later, the Institute moved to a newly refurbished building in Wojsławicka Street, which was handed over to the School by the town authorities. General renovation has also been undertaken to the building in Pocztowa Street, where the President’s Office now is, neighboring a new gymnasium and library.

In the last few years additional buildings in Depułtycze Królewskie were obtained where the Academic Trans-border Cooperation Center has its location. There, the School was also given land for an airfield. In 2004, the School also became the owner of a building in Nowy Świat Street, where after a general renovation The Institute of Humanities and The Institute of Agricultural Sciences started to operate.

As early as 2002, The University College of Applied Sciences in Chełmprocured state funds for the installation of a new computer room. The next step was the installation of a language laboratory and a further three computer rooms were then opened, one with 64 work stations. Technical laboratories were also newly equipped. Apart from the funds obtained from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the School also received grants from the EU. Thanks to the funding, construction and equipping of The Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science was undertaken. This funding also enables special attention and effort to be paid to The Center of Engineering Studies, the School’s airfield, a center of sport and recreation and a dormitory.

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