Warsaw, Poland
Jozef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego Józefa Piłsudskiego w Warszawie
University type: physical education, tourism
Status: public
ul. Marymoncka 34
00 - 968 Warszawa 45
tel. (22) 834 04 31
Integrated Master's degree |
Studies | full-time studies | part-time studies |
Physiotherapy |  | |
Józef Piłsudski University of
Physical Education in Warsaw is a state school of pedagogical
profile with full academic rights. It is not only the biggest academy of
such kind in Poland, but also one of the biggest in Europe in the field
of physical culture. It educates teachers of physical education,
coaches and specialists in the field of rehabilitation, recreation and
tourism, it is also a centre of scientific research and a sport centre.
The Academy was established in 1929, following the initiative of
Marshall Józef Piłsudski, as the Centralny Instytut Wychowania
Fizycznego – CIWF (Central Institute of Physical Education), a military
professional school. In 1935 the Institute was granted the name of the
First Polish Marshall Józef Piłsudski; in 1938 CIWF was transformed into
an academic school – the Józef Piłsudski Academy of Physical Education.
During World War 2 the facilities and sport premises, laboratories and
libraries were destroyed, and numerous lecturers, students and graduates
were killed in the warfare. Reconstructed from wartime destruction, the
Academy resumed once again its activity in 1946, and continued its
dynamic development. Further to the decree of the Council of Ministers
dated 27 July 1949 CIWF was transformed as a military vocational school
into an academic school – Academy of Physical Education. In the academic
year 1952/53 the Academy started extramural studies, and a year later
4-year master studies were introduced. Further to the Act of 8 June 1990
the old name was given back – the Józef Piłsudski Academy of Physical
Education in Warsaw. In 1970 an external division of the Academy in
Biała Podlaska, and in 1973 consultation units in Białystok, Lublin,
Mielec, Łódź and Pruszków were established. In 1971 Instytut Naukowy
Kultury Fizycznej (Scientific Institute of Physical Culture) was
incorporated into the Academy; at the same time also Doctorate Studies
and In-Service Training Classes were launched. In 1984 the Faculty of
Movement Recreation, as well as Institute of Physical Education and
Sport of the Academy in Łódź, which was then in 1991 joined to the
structure of the Łódź University, were all set up The Academy, which is
situated in the picturesque surroundings of the Bielany Forest (a nature
reserve), has outstanding characteristic architecture of its
educational facilities, built in the years 1928-1930 according to
designs of E. Norwerth, as well as numerous didactic pavilions and sport
facilities. In 2002 the Academy of Physical Education was entered into
the register of monuments. The Academy issues such scientific
periodicals, as: “Scientific Annuals”, quarterly magazine “Physical
Education and Sport” and “Advances in Rehabilitation”, a bi-monthly
“Physical Culture”, as well as various studies and monographs, textbooks
and printed summaries of course lectures; it organises seminars,
symposiums, conventions and conferences – both at national and
international levels; teaching and didactic contacts are being
maintained with numerous universities and scientific centres in Poland
and abroad; the staff of the Academy is working in scientific societies,
organisations and sport associations in Poland and on the international
arena; the activities of the Academy’s staff affects directly fields in
the development of sciences related to physical culture, education of
its staff, as well as the development of Polish competitive sport.